Friday, January 1, 2010

My 10 resolutions for 2010

Really do I ever keep them????
Anyways, they just make us feel better, so here they are

1- Losing weight - ahah what a shocker, who doesn't have that on their list??

2- Volunteering more - I already lead a team of dog walker at a shelter in Williamsburg once a month, but I really feel like I should do more.

3- Start playing the guitar again - I would really love to be good at it, but like anything in life you need to be patient and practice.

4- Cook new recipes more often - at least once a week I would like to try something new and it's not like we don't have the cookbooks to do it.

5- Make some decisions about my career future - do I want to go back to school? when should I start my own company?...

6- Stop buying clothes just because I have a discount or because it's on sale - that one will be really hard.

7- Watch less TV even if Jr does - somehow I always feel like I have to watch TV when Jr does even if there are many other things I could be doing.

8- Hang out with friends more often - shouldn't be that hard, but it often is!

9- Update this blog more often

10- Manage debt

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